For the last couple of days we stayed with Ian and Jean Wilkinson in Hampshire and went with them to a re-union of our Kenyan expat group which had been arranged in Abingdon. Here are a few photos from that event. These are both of the same group, of course but one has me in it and the other has Dominic in it.
From left to right, front row: Me, Ed Lawrenson (my boss in Nairobi), Pat Lawrenson,Trevor Lloyd's partner (?)
back/middle row: Chris Simkin's partner and Chris, Christine Renshaw, Rob Brown, Hugh Lawrenson, Jean Wilkinson, Ian Wilkinson (back), Rob Brown's partner (?), Lesley Freer, Roger Freer (back), Trevor Lloyd
Same line-p but without me on the left and added Dominic on the right.