Thursday, 15 May 2014

Florence day 4

After having a pizza for lunch yesterday, last night I only had a sandwich that I had bought in Conad next to the studio.  Washed down with some Sangiovese of course.  The Conad shop has a reasonable selection of local wines at reasonable prices so I am buying a bottle there every couple of days.  Vino Rosso of course.

Earlier in the evening I went for stroll along the river side to the east of the Ponte Vecchia and then back along the other side.  Along the way I had a nice Mandarin Gelato.  They seem surprised when you only choose one flavour.  The crowds on the Ponte Vecchia in the evening are unbelievable.  A lot of them are coming back from the Pitti Palace which is very near the bridge and my hotel.

Before going to the studio today I dropped off some laundry to a shop in the next street.  I was going to take it to a laundromat but found this place where they will wash and dry it for a reasonable price.  They also do ironing as well but I didn't think that warranted for what I put in.  Dropped in at 8:30 this morning and ready for pickup at 5 pm.

Today I finished the flower that I started yesterday.  I think it is a Giraffe (think Cameleopard) because it doesn't look like any single flower that I have ever seen.  As I was nearly finished it I managed to break off a leaf due to the fragility of the wood.  Glue plus Enrica's home made corner clamps (made of chair spring steel) will make it almost as good as new - ho hum!

After 'class' I walked back through the city looking for the Foot Locker shop to buy something more suitable for standing for hours at a time and walking through these uneven paved streets.  Managed to find a pair of Nike Air which fit well and have a much stiffer sole than what I have been wearing.

After that I found a Restaurant near the Ponte Vecchia (north side) where I had a nice Risotto ai Funghi Porcini - bene!

Just watching today's stage of the Giro d'Italia on Rai Sport 2 as I type this up.  This is the first stage I have seen and I haven't seen any mention on BBC World news.  Of course it is all in Italian but you don't really need the commentary to figure out what is going on.