Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Photos - Venice (1)

Venice is, of course, a photographer's Mecca.  There are actually too many things to photograph and all of the best ones have been done by people who can afford to spend hours getting the best conditions etc.  I did take a few though but mainly for self interest.

 The Grand Canal taken from the Ponte di Rialto

 Obligatory shot of the Ponte di Rialto.  It is always crowded with turisti.

 A carving in a church I visited (Basilica dei Frari).

 A clock tower with single-handed clock.

 Fresco detail on Basilica di San Marco

Turisti waiting to enter the Basilica di San Marco.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Photos - Levico Terme, Trento

The scenery around Levico Terme and Trento is quite spectacular being in the Italian Tyrol region.

 View looking north-east from Levico Terme

 View looking north-eastish from our hotel window in Trento

View looking south-eastish from our hotel window in Trento